Monday, October 22, 2007

Listas: Microsoft's New Social Bookmarking Service

Listas is a new social bookmarking service from Microsoft Live Labs for you to keep track of content you come across while surfing the Web, and sharing it with other users. It is presently in a “technology preview’ stage for you to play with. It lets users to make their own containers, with all sorts of links, and supplement it with text, images, and RSS feeds, using a WYSIWYG editor.

Microsoft’s Listas is clearly a more advanced effort than TagSpaces, providing users with a bookmarklet to tag any item of their choice. Listas is specifically designed to handle media and collaboration in a better way. Like other social bookmarking services, Microsoft has included a toolbar to help users speed up their list creation.To know more about, Listas click here.

Posted by Praveen Panjiar, Blog Evangelist, OutworX Corporation.

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